2 Day Pop Up Shop
I will be participating in a two day pop up shop on Friday 6th and Sat 7th of December at 24 Woodmarket Kelo. I will be joined by...
Autumn and Christmas Events
Firstly, if you are wishing to order Chistmas gifts online then please get your orders in by Monday 15th of December and if you want me...
October Events
I will be exhibiting at 3 events this October. Starting off with Presents Galore on Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th of October at the Border...
What's New!
After a very busy time in Edinburgh at the west end Fair for the first two weeks of August I am back in the studio and have been adding...
Back to the West End Fair!
It is that time of year again and I am back at the West End Fair from Friday 2nd of August to Sunday the 11th. The Fair can be found at...
Feature on the Essdee Web Site
I am delighted that my work has been feaurtired on the Essdee Web site. Essdee are a Uk based company who manufacture a range of artsist...
All set for 3D2D Christmas Market at Newbattle Abbey
All packed and ready for 2 days at Newbattle Abbey Christmas Market. A fantastic venue just next to Dalkeith and organised by 3d2d. Hope...
This weekend 17 & 18 Nov - Makers Market Hawick
On Friday and Saturday this week 17th and 18th of November I will be taking part in the Makers Market at the Borders Textile Towerhouse...
Upcoming Events in 2023
After a great summer with regular events at Paxton House and Etal along with the West End Fair in Edinburgh amongst others, I still have...
BCTF 2021 online
Delighted to be taking part in the British Craft Fair Online trade show this month. Looking forward to meeting some new prospective...